
Presentation in Aachen

at the Faculty of Civil Engineering

On 14 May 2024, our Düsseldorf colleagues, Maria Schartner, M.Eng., and Isabel Thelen, M.Sc., held a presentation on the Theodor Heuss Bridge at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of RWTH University in Aachen.

The presentation highlights were:

  • What damage does the Theodor Heuss Bridge exhibit?
  • How and why is the structural assessment of older bridges carried out?  What are the results of the assessment of the Theodor Heuss Brücke?
  • How can structural health monitoring be used for realistic damage analysis?
  • What rehabilitation measures are necessary and what will they look like?

It was a very interesting exchange on FE modelling, structural assessment, structural health monitoring and the strengthening measures required for the Theodor Heuss Bridge.

We would like to thank all participants and the presenters for the fascinating lecture and the interesting conversations!

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